Tuesday, September 16, 2008

GOD (Global Organisation for Divinity) goes to Adelaide

Radhe Radhe
Jai Gurunath

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Friday 12th September - Sunday 14th September was a really special weekend, where Nama took us (Jayanthi Mataji and Uncle Venkat and Kajal Mataji and Myself) to Adelaide.
As advised by Jayanthi Mataji after our return to Sydney from the trip...there were many opposite and negative forces at work before we went to Adelaide...and ONLY and Sheerly through Gurudev's Grace that the Trip ended up being a memorable one for all concerned.

Being with Jayanthi Mataji and Ramanan Uncle for Kajal Mataji and myself was an amazing experience. I see them as the embodiments of "Nama Nistha" - They walk Nama, they talk Nama, they eat Nama, they sleep Nama, ...what more can i say..they LIVE Nama.

Please read the following report by Jayanthi Mataji on the Adelaide Trip.

Overall, it was a great experience.....as I mentioned to Jayanthi Mataji and upon reminiscing on the trip (while there and upon coming back )..I realised that

Before leaving for Adelaide I was under a severe misconception that i was going there to give something to others...But now as i sit comtempating on the tour I know that wasn't the case. Instead of giving I believe G sent me there to "take" and "Gain" and "recieve". and GAIN i did.
I gained love from lots of friends who I never knew
I gained knowledge and learned lessons from various people - not through their words..but their action and lives
I gained inspiration for serve G more
I gained thirst to do more in Nama Propogation
I gained spiritual Richness
I gained the blessings and well wishes of many
and most importantly I gained the Nama Wealth.

Jayanthi Mataji appropriately advised of a nice story....
She said: "I remember an incident from Sri MahaPeriyava which HE narrated HIMSELF. Periyava said, everyone calls me Jagadguru, and I didn't understand why people called me so, HE narrated an incident and says " HE is being called as Jagadguru because, the Jagath teaches HIM and HE is learning new things daily"

The people we met were all amazing...I was most fortunate to have the chance to meet them and they all were extremely receptive to Nama.

Hereby hoping to continue to build on the initial foundation of our relationship with those we met...and praying to Shri Gurunath that one day this foundation will turn into a NAMA HATTA (Nama Dwaar) in Adelaide...

Smt Bamaji and Sri RajaGaneshan ji were amazing hosts...Really indebted to them....Not enough words to thank them....Praying that Gurunath shower HIS blessings on them and their Lovely family.

Finally I would like to say...I met a special friend , a brother, who in less than 2 days.. really touched my heart with his warmth, love and humility...Talking abt Shri Gautam Bala Ji....Most wonderful gentlemen and a very very nice bhakta who is doing a great service work for the youth and the Kids in Adelaide with his Bhagvatam, Gita and Vedanta classes....amongst a myriad of other activities he organised and runs for the upliftment of the kids and youth in Adelaide.

Gautam Ji with Myself and Kajal Mataji

See the other photos

In the end...a remarkable experience for me...Thanking the GOD team of Australia and Gurunath for giving me the opportunity to be involved in propogation of Nama.

All Glories to Mahamantra
All Glories to Caitanya Mahaprabhu
All Glories to Nityananda Mahaprabhu
All Glories to Shri Gurunath

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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