Sunday, September 28, 2008

Last Weekend in September 2008

Radhe Radhe

What a week.

G graced us again with a weekend of Satsanghs and Nama propogation.
Friday night we went to our monthly program at Shri Temple in Auburn. There we had a very good session of Nama sankirtan. A good Half hour..followed by Glories of Nama sankirtan by our senior brother Mutthu, qouting from various shastras, the mahima of Nama. The night concluded with Maha Mantra again.

Saturday was an eventful day. Spent most of the day packing books for Yaadein Vision for our annual shipment to Fiji... -
Our shipment goes out on Tuesday.

Surprises, unpredictability, uncertainty are to be expected in life. Only predicatable aspect of life is its unpredictability. Came home Saturday afternoon to discover Mum had accidentally driven a knife through her hand, in between the thumb and first finger. A freakish Kitchen Accident. Even though the incident was in the scheme of things a minor event, it still highlights and hint how a moment in life is enough to take away our comfort. If our comfort is controlled by such events then comfort is something that will be short -lived and always disturbed.

Saturday night was a sastsangh at brother Dinesh's house. It was a smaller than expected turnout, ( about 50 0r so) however it was still a nice as GOD had a chance to propogate NAMA to a newish crowd. The night consisted of Nama Sankirtan by Kids to start off with, followed by a narration of Bhakta Dhruv's Katha from SB and finally concluding with NSK for 20 mins followed by Arati. On the way back while driving I suffered from various microsleeps...however seemed to awake at the right times...(felt that someone else was actually in control of taking me home safely) - rakhe ram to mare kaun ...

Sunday again was a busy day....We had 1/2 hour NSK at Ram Mandir Minto. In the afternoon, was requested by sister Arati to give a short discourse on bhagvatam on Samudra Manthan. It was a nice night...with Kirtan, Bhagvatam and a very inspiring talk by Bobby bhai on Various topics including amrit and surrendering to the lord and "LOVE" - as to how anything we see as beautiful in this world will sooner or later diminish in its beauty. The only one who is truly beautiful in essence is the LORD. We concluded with NSK and Mahaprasad.

About to hit the bed now. Hopefullly the weekdays can also be utilised for guru Kainkaryam like the weekends.

Shri Guru Arpanamastu
Radhe Radhe


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A Letter for you!

My Dear Soul Mate, Radhe Radhe! It’s been a long time since we had a chat. How are you? Are you regular with your Bhagavata paray...